Within the sector Transport & Logistics, the Aviation Medicine represents a separate focus area. High specialized and full of strict requirements. We offer assistance for passengers and crew while flying. For example the so-called "medical escort" to conflict management in case of violence on board. We are strong in preparing and identifying health risk and safety risk before, during and after flying. We work for the Government, airlines, health institutions and insurers.
B-AlliancE has extensive expertise in the aviation medicine
B-AlliancE offers fly medical examinations for pilots, cabin attendants and air traffic controllers. It concerns inspections class I (CPL, ATPL) class II (PPL) and class III (ATC). Finally, this expertise has led to some fairly unique services and products within the Aviation Medicine: aviation physical therapy, CRM *, special training in conflict management, culture-oriented training of flight attendants and stewards.
About CRM: B-AlliancE organizes Crew Resource Management training. The US Government has surveyed that 70%-80% of air accidents were due to human error and poor cooperation within the team. The CRM training is an excellent training method to remove the causes of poor cooperation. CRM focuses on creating and adhering to agreements on communication and cooperation, associating the traditional authority relationships.